Replacing dhcpcd with dhcp6leased in OpenBSD

I have been using OpenBSD as a router at home for a long time. There are many reasons to choose OpenBSD for this task, being one of them that the base install includes everything you need.

Author's profile picture Jorge López

My audio setup

I have been working from home since 2015. I had to move with my wife to a small city, but I was able to keep my job at the University and regularly travel to our home town to meet my colleagues. However in 2017 I started working for a company based in the UK and video-conferences became very common in my day to day.

Author's profile picture Jorge López

Honoring DNS servers when connecting to a VPN on Ubuntu

I do not certainly hate systemd, I see its power, but in my opinion some of its ideas are not helping at all, or maybe they were not executed the best way possible.

Author's profile picture Jorge López

How to restore an issue on Redmine

I take care of several Redmine based platforms, and every now and then I get a report about an issue that disappeared under unknown circumstances. Logs show that it is usually caused by someone with too many privileges who accidentally deleted the issue, but that’s another story.

Author's profile picture Jorge López

How to generate XML in PHP (in a painless way)

I have always avoided working with XML. Parsing and writing it always felt too difficult. I thought that way until I found an actually easy and manageable way of working with it. I will focus on the process of generating XML documents using PHP.

Author's profile picture Jorge López